A Very Special Surprise Announcement

it is Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche’s wish that the 43rd Annual Fall Seminar take place at Tam Chúc Pagoda Complex in Ha Nam, Vietnam, 60 miles from Hanoi.

This magical place of stunning beauty is located just an hour’s drive from precious relics of the Buddha that were gifted to the people of Vietnam by the Indian government. Rinpoche feels that this peaceful, awe-inspiring, sacred location will be an auspicious place for students to gather and receive teachings and practice meditation together. This holy temple complex of about 150 hectares features giant pagodas and statues, and a large teaching hall, all set in a pristine natural environment with a majestic lake, unique hills, abundant flowers and fruit trees. It also has a on-site hotel and many more accommodations nearby.

Rinpoche believes that receiving teachings and practicing together, staying together, and enjoying meals and walks together in this beautiful environment will strengthen our bonds and create a feeling of oneness.

The teaching topic will be a presentation of the three vehicles with special emphasis on the four causes for rebirth in Amitabha’s pure land.

The dates are November 22 – 27. After a break day for pilgrimage, the Tara’s Triple Excellence annual retreat will take place in the same location from November 29 – December 2.

The Vietnamese sangha is eager to host the worldwide sangha for this unforgettable spiritual and cultural experience. All students are welcome and as usual the annual fall seminar will also be live-streamed for those who cannot attend in person.

Further details about the events will be available mid-SEPTEMBER. Registration is not yet open.

Please click the following link to show your interest and join the mailing list. http://eepurl.com/iujuLE

For the mailing list: You will need to provide your email address, your first and last name, language, and if you are interested in attending the fall seminar, the Tara Retreat, or both.


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