European Teaching Tour 2018

Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche traveled to four of his Gomde centers this summer. Gomde Germany – Austria, Gomde Denmark, Gomde UK and Gomde Pyrenees. In the first three centers Rinpoche based his teachings on The Union of Mahamudra and Dzogchen, a renowned poetic composition by the 17th century meditation master, Karma Chagmé. The text comprises 8 spiritual songs explicitly highlighting the timeless practice instructions of both Mahamudra ─ the Great Seal ─ and Dzogchen ─ the Great Perfection.

The seminars in Austria, Denmark, and the UK also included a full-day tantric group mending and purification ritual practice known as the Ngakso Puja, or “Ocean of Amrita”. During his visits, Rinpoche also bestowed a number of important Secret Mantra initiations.

At Gomde Pyrenees, Chokyi Nyjma Rinpoche kindly agreed to offer the late Dudjom Rinpoche’s Profound Instructions for Mountain Retreat. These pithy instructions explain clearly how to prepare your mind for retreat and present direct and powerful instructions on the nature of mind. In its concluding section, Dudjom Rinpoche highlights how to integrate the daily instructions into our daily activities.

We hope you enjoy the images and videos below!

Image Galleries:

Gomde Germany – Austria:



Gomde UK:



Gomde Pyrenees:


Video clips:

Gomde Germany – Austria:


Gomde Denmark:


Gomde UK:


Gomde Pyrenees:

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