Auspicious conclusion of the 39th Annual Fall Seminar and Retreat

Today was the auspicious conclusion of the 39th Annual Fall Seminar and Retreat with Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche. Rinpoche taught on profound pith instruction texts by Tsele Natsok Rangdrol and Shechen Gyaltsab with translation in English, Nepali, Chinese, Russian, and Spanish. Including the online participants, more than 1200 students attended the full seminar. Lama Tenzin gave the participants instructions on the framework for meditation practice.

The monastery offered free tea and cookies in the breaks as well as full lunch to all participants. During the seminar Rinpoche also inaugurated RYI’s new library for textual studies in traditional Buddhist languages. Today, on the final day, Rinpoche gave a special reading transmission for another text by Tsele Natsok Rangdrol to the monks of Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling and the retreat participants. Please rejoice with us in all of this wonderful dharma activity!

Rinpoche would like everyone to know that you can continue to study and practice online. You can train in the approach of resolving the view through study and reflection by studying online at or train in the approach of meditating on the pith instructions with the Tara’s Triple Excellence online practice program at

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