Shedrub Mandala activities on Chotrul Duchen

Today, on the auspicious day of Chotrul Duchen, representatives from the various activities under Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche’s guidance within the International Shedrub Mandala joined together to make a collective offering to Rinpoche, Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery, and all of the monastic sangha during the Tsekar (White Amitayus) Drubchen.

On this joyous occasion, representatives of Rinpoche’s many and diverse activities all over the world not only made material offerings, but also renewed the offering of our service to the continuation and flourishing of Rinpoche’s activities for the benefit of beings. We joined together with one voice to express our love and devotion and to request Rinpoche to live long!

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